The major focus of the Laboratory of Excellence CaPPA - Chemical and Physical Properties of the Atmosphere - relies on the whole aerosol system and its precursors, allowing a better understanding of their role on the climate : radiative forcing and hydrological cycle. Additionally, the labex investigates the evolution of air quality at local, regional and global levels with specific concerns for radionuclides.
It is a fundamental mission of the Labex CaPPA to further promote the northern region of France as a center of excellence in research and education. In bringing together 7 research groups, the labex CaPPA creates a multidisciplinary synergistic partnership strongly contributing to metrological innovations in the field of atmospheric environment. It therefore takes effectively part in the regional and national socio-economic development.
The unifying theme of research at PhLAM is the interaction of light with matter. Activities are predominantly experimental, but with a very strong coupling with theory.
There are two main axes : Molecular Physics & Optical and Atomic Physics.
- Molecular Physics:
Spectroscopy and its applications: Experimental high-resolution spectroscopy, molecular spectra, with applications to astrophysics and atmospheric physics
Physical chemistry modeling and theory: Ab initio calculations of molecular spectra,
molecular dynamics, ... Theoretical and numerical developments, applications to astrophysics and atmospheric physics
- Optical and Atomic Physics
Photonics: optical fiber design (fiber drawing facility), telecommunications, nonlinear photonics,...
Nonlinear dynamics of optical and biological systems: chaos, instabilities, pattern formation, optical turbulence, quantum optics, optical analogues of hydrodynamics, dynamics of biological functions, biophotonics,...
Physics of cold atoms: quantum chaos, disorder and localization, nonlinear quantum mechanics, Bose-Einstein condensation,...
GDR ThéMS is a collaborative network of French research groups in the fields of molecular modelling and molecular simulations. It provides a frame for exchange of information and people among the members of this community.
The Société Française de Physique (SFP, French Physical Society) is an organisation founded in 1873 which aims at the development and diffusion of Physics in France. The SFP gathers volunteers, researchers, professors and Physics laboratories sharing their passion for Physics and its promotion in society.